Sunday, March 20, 2011

Plans to get back on the road.

Boarding the flight in Albuquerque, New Mexico back in November was with mixed emotions. Of course, it was snowing in Colorado and Nebraska. Obviously, I like life. Attempting to ride a two wheel vehicle on snow-covered roads is like keeping a pet rattlesnake in your back pocket. Eventually, somethings gotta give.

I have missed Mozi and the roads we've traveled on. The sunsets have been too incredible to remember and pictures really don't do them justice. Meeting total strangers and becoming instant friends in every single town I have been in was a treat.

Today is the first day of spring and for so many living beings, this is a time of new beginnings. A rejuvenation and sense of high spirits lingers in the New England air and I have to get my ducks in a row for the pending 24 states and some 9000 more miles without a companion on Mozi's rear seat.

There is, in my head, a plan and a new set of rules which I must obey as a group of tools, spare part, minimal clothing items, tons of electronics and a dozen bags of beef jerky are sorted into boxes in my van to be shipped to the storage facility in Albuquerque within a couple of weeks. I will soon follow these provisions and once again, a huge smile will remain on my face for the months to follow.

I look forward to the day when I can finish one of these blogs with:

Mozi on...

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