Friday, January 7, 2011

Disassembling a baby stroller to produce a video camera steadying bracket

This model of baby stroller was told to me as being recalled and not able to use to carry kids in due to safety deficiencies.

And it was FREE!

I threw it in my van and transported it to the makeshift office/workshop on Cape Cod.

After I removed all of the fabric parts from the metal frame, I began drilling out all of the rivets which held the many parts together.

With the rivets drilled out and removed, it was time to disassemble this assembly and lay the parts out on the floor for future inventory and easy access to each individual piece of aluminum tubing, plastic bracket, wheel, shim, bolt, etc.

My Collection of Metal Junk!

Add the fabric part, once removed...

Now, I am ready to pick out the usable parts and begin designing the gizmo which may serve me well to produce almost flawlessly smooth video shots.

The plan is to have a bracket that will hang over my shoulders and be strapped around my waist to secure the initial pivoting axle which will mate up with the first swing arm assembly. The padded baby seat has a rigid back with about 1/2" of padding on the front side. This will rest against my chest and abdomen and act as the base for the rigid aluminum or fiberglass framework which will be custom fitted to my awesome body!

(you should be laughing right about now)

Since I am right handed, the pivot mount will be positioned on the right side of this framework at about the same elevation as my elbow. The initial swing arm will be free to hinge from behind me well in front of me in an arc of about 220 degrees. 120 would be plenty, but why restrict any movement at all?

to be continued...

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